Computing over the last 50 years has never been distributed. We went from mainframe back to “mainframe”, aka, cloud computing. Client/Server computing is antithetical to three facts: 1) network security is inversely proportional to the size of the target, that is, the server, and 2) desktop and mobile computing device power is still growing at a frantic rate (i.e., user computing power is still expanding, not contracting, exponentially), and 3) it costs money to run superfluous server farms.
inherent security
Hiveware is an inherently secure technology. Based on IPv6 each piece of a document/activity is sealed off from the other pieces by having its own randomly-generated IPv4/IPv6 address end point (i.e., security through obscurity). A document is therefore like a honeycomb of individual cells transmitting and receiving independently of each other. The only construct that holds them together, and additionally gives it meaning, is the joint context in the form of an evolving grammar/context. Never is either the whole grammar or the whole document transmitted at one time like files are today. Only changes are transmitted to fix up that particular piece at each of the replicate sites. Even if an intruder were able to capture and unencrypt any particular transmission, it would not make sense without its whole.
Since Hiveware is not dependent on data being persisted on hard drives, group data may remain volatile in the collective memory chips of the participant computers. Any sign of danger or inappropriate authentication or authorization, the data will disappear from that or those machines.
replication means data safety
It is a known problem that large data stores are in the long term inherently insecure. The computer science community agrees that the only really secure data safety approach is replication. Since each piece of Hiveware information is replicated, the more authors and the more replications, the more secure the data is from disappearing forever.
servers are big targets
The undeniable solution to big targets is to get rid of them, which is what Hiveware accomplishes. Here’s how Hiveware eliminates the big data target:
Hiveware in its default configuration lets groups of people cooperate on anything that can be made computer tractable. Each piece of author content is a micro server which continually pushes the author’s changes to his observers. An author is both a producer of content and an observer of the other group participant’s content input. If a site goes offline for any reason, he is merely reinstated from a neighbor – any neighbor – when he comes back up. It would be virtually impossible to DDOS-deny these practically autonomous authors and subscribers its contracted micro-content changes. This new way of maintaining data in a distributed colloid of authors and observers is both linguistically correct (Google’s Big Data approach is not) and secure because the target has been eliminated.
The Hiveware for Security domain owner would be the natural repository for Hiveware encrypting of its peer-to-peer messages. A second task would be to offer Hiveware-inheritable functionality for publish workflow. Let’s say an organization like the CIA wanted to have teams of people working together, but not all had the same security clearances. There are many other scenarios.
Potential development tasks the owner of Hiveware for Security could accomplish which could be sold as a Hiveware for Security service to other downstream hives:
·access biometrics – a particularly interesting Hiveware service is the ability for a single author to work on the same document with others and be able to continue that work on his delegated sections whether or not he is at home, on the way to work or some other destination, or at work. The ability to seamlessly change read/write sections to read-only and vice versa is the ability of the computer platform to recognize who the user is. Let’s say I am working on a proposal’s Technical Scope section at home. The author might be Robert (home). On the way to work that section’s author might be Robert (traveling), and at work that same section could be Robert (work). Using finger-print or other biometrics technology, Hiveware could seamlessly be set up to Delegate authorship to these sections when it detects both who the owner is and which device he is touching. Authorship would be transferred seamlessly and securely from platform to platform without disturbing the author or subscribers.
·perimeter guard security – it has always been a problem for users with security clearances to take their platforms home with them. Remember the Wen Ho Lee case? Tunneling (VPN) and remote access (Citrix, VMWare) circumvent the problem without solving it. Since Hiveware is not dependent on hard disk persistence, it can at any time delete memory contents without losing any data. And it can get it back again on demand. The on-off switch could be the biometric user authentication. Additionally, GPS-based perimeter trigger would let the person with security clearance geographically use the files on his computer while within a certain perimeter. Once the user moves outside that perimeter his secure data would disappear. The whole issue of files tied to security clearances and certain users with certain clearances could be made to be seamless with this technology. Wen Ho Lee would not have been able to take secure data outside the Los Alamos facilities unless it was his intention to do it.
·eliminate Zero days – with the prospects of Cyber war increasing and no way to keep up with its escalation on a tit-for-tat basis, the need for a pervasive re-architecting of how computers share data in single connected applications has become more evident. The Washington Post detailed in 2012 how a white-hat hacker with the use of Fuzzing won a Hacker award by hacking into the popular iPhone. The article showed how it was done. Industrial control systems are vulnerable to attacks by device and computer mapping software like the publically available Shodan program. Hacking, inside a select group, is now common knowledge. Hiveware apps function differently from today’s apps. A Hiveware app consists of many (changing) owners with accountable delegation of privileges to these owners. A Hiveware app section, like a single device in a particular industrial system, actually owns the data and signals that it pushes out to its observers. A problem will be detected because of this connection. Benignly that section can stop sending changes to one or all of its observers. More decisively, the section can revoke the very existence of that running code at any observer’s destination if a problem arises. Since a Hiveware app is always up, then a continually crashing Hiveware replicate, which is the MO of Zero day hacking, would be noticed and dealt with. Authors/devices are known to parent nodes and a sub-node that is behaving badly would have its privileges revoked if it were detected that he was Fuzzing for Zero days.
Three Steps to become a Hiveware for Security domain or sub-domain owner and entrepreneur:
Pick out a domain area that you have experience in and have entrepreneaurial interest in.